My Services

Need creative work done? I'm your girl.

If you're in search for a professional with experience in...

freelance writing
SEO blogging
social media managing
content curation
email marketing
media relations
influencer relations
account coordination 
news editing
event marketing

... let's talk business! 

About Me

I am a senior at the University of Central Florida majoring in Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Mass Culture Collective Behavior.

I am passionate about writing and have an extensive past in journalism. As a fourth year staff writer for Her Campus UCF, I cover all things pop culture, wellness and dating/relationships. As the President of this digital magazine, I oversee over 60 writers, an editing committee, social media/marketing committee and events committee.

My interest lies in marketing strategy and power branding. I love working on campaigns and have gotten the opportunity to work with top-named brands like Yves Saint Laurent, Fenty Beauty, Prada Beauty and Ulta Beauty.

I am a public relations professional that has done work for a diverse set of clients to create social decks, graphics, social reports, SEO blogs, press releases, influencer relations and media relations.

Aside from professional experience, I spend my time creating social media content for my personal brand, writing poetry, playing around with graphic design, practicing yoga and going to concerts.

I'd love to get to know you more!

“You can make anything by writing.”

C. S. Lewis